Image recognition and product authenticity - Web Mobile App and IoT Development Firm - Pupa Clic Web Mobile App and IoT Development Firm – Pupa Clic

Image recognition and product authenticity

Image recognition and product authenticity

64 hours. The time taken by Pupa Clic engineers to brainstorm, innovate, build and deploy a working solution to tackle a growing need in today’s world “Product Authenticity”. There has been a raging concern over the years pertaining authenticity of the product one buys online or offline. When this problem came to Pupa Clic, the engineers came up with an image recognition engine by using the core of “Clic AR” Pupa Clic’s augmented reality platform.

A label detection system using colour coordinated mapping and object detection was built, tested and deployed as a solution to prevent duplication of products and determine its authenticity by rendering its available data from a service. These are new generations of users and a visual aide brings in confidence right in the fingertips of the consumer, and Pupa Clic is leading the forefront of innovation.

Interested or Have an image recognition based requirement? Head to our contact us page or email us at [email protected]

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